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how can you do your part?

ways you can contribute :

Scroll down to find out how you can do your part, regardless of whether you are able to join us for the event :)


To ease their daily expenses through giving them food and daily necessities

* Bring your pledge items along and place it at the collection point on the day of the event!

1. Food

- Dried food
- Halal Canned Food
- Instant Noodles, etc.)


*Please note that food should be at least 6 months before the expiry date

2. Daily Necessities


- Toothpaste

- Toothbrush
- Towel
- Disposable shaver

3. Calling Card

Pledge a international calling card ($10 and above) to allow them to connect with their loved ones back home

run for warriors acts as a platform for our community to show appreciation to our migrant workers

Drop by@ our wall of appreciation

Show how thankful you are by write a sweet short note to our warriors

What happens to these items?

The 5NA students will be making care packages using these items to give to injured migrant workers as a token of appreciation.

What are you waiting for?

Be a part of this amazing initiative by signing up for our event!

How can i pledge items
without joining the run?

Dear all,
if you would like to pledge items (Daily Necessities and Food Items) and not join us for the run, you can send the items to the following addressee in the following address:


5N VIA 2017
Jurongville Secondary School
202, Jurong East Ave 1
Please ensure that the canned food items are HALAL.


If you are interested to pledge International Calling Cards, please send it to via registered email to:

5N VIA 2017 (Mr.Justin Ho)
Jurongville Secondary School
202, Jurong East Ave 1

Thank you all!

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